Quick Start 4-14
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Using the Ethernet File System
Step 1: Browse the file system
Open a web browser window on the PC.
Type ‘FTP://<IP address>’ in the address field. (Substitute <IP address>
with the IP address you are using for the module). (Don’t include the
“<“or “>” characters.)
When prompted for a username enter “admin”.
When prompted for a password enter “admin”.
You can now browse the file system. You should see subdirectories “/web”, “/
pswd” and “/user” and three files “/index.htm”, “/ehtcfg.cfg”, and “/telwel.cfg.
Step 2: Create some Files Using Telnet
Click on the Windows ‘Start’ menu and select ‘Run.’
Type ‘telnet <IP address>’. Substitute <IP address> with the IP address
you are using for the module. (Don’t include the “<“or “>” characters.)
You will be prompted for a username, enter “admin”, and a password,
The Telnet client will be opened, and connected to the module. You can
now browse the user file system using a command line interface.
Type ‘help’ for a quick explanation on the available commands.
Type ‘md mydirectory’. You have now created a directory called ‘mydi-
Type ‘dir’ to view the directory.
To move inside the directory, type ‘cd mydirectory’.
Type ‘mkfile myfile’. You have now created an empty file called ‘myfile’.
Let’s put something in it.
Type ‘append myfile “Easy file handling!”’. You have now added the line
‘Easy file handling!’ to your new file.
View the files contents by typing ‘type myfile’