Configuration 3-16
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
DeviceNet I/O Configuration
I/O Mapping
The DeviceNet I/O configuration defines the format of the Input and Output tables
in the PassageWay, or the
of DeviceNet slaves’ I/O data to the I/O tables.
See “Theory of Operation” on page 1-2 for a discussion on the PassageWay and
the use of I/O tables in the Anybus-X. As slaves are added to the Anybus-X’s
DeviceNet scanner configuration, the location in the I/O tables of each part of the
slave’s I/O data is determined and stored.
The organization of the I/O tables is very important. This defines the format
of the data that will be exposed to the EtherNet/IP or Modbus/TCP scanner. The
Input and Output table formats should be planned and documented to ensure the
Ethernet scanner is working with the correct data from the DeviceNet network.
I/O Size Limitations
The size of the I/O data that can be exchanged with the EtherNet/IP or Modbus/
TCP scanner and, hence, the size of the I/O tables is restricted as explained below.
The Input table size cannot be larger than 504 bytes.
The Output table size cannot be larger than 500 bytes.
Either table may be empty (size of 0 bytes).
DeviceNet Configuration Tools
The DeviceNet I/O configuration is set using a DeviceNet configuration tool. This
manual is not intended to replace the user manual for the configuration tool, so
will not provide details on using the tool.
The next chapter provides an example application, and covers the use of Rockwell
Software’s RSNetWorx for DeviceNet and HMS’ NetTool-DN.