Configuration 3-6
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Ethernet Network Configuration
Several methods may be used to set the IP Address. These methods include the
Configuration Tool, IP Address Configuration Switch, DHCP/Bootp protocol,
web browser, and the ARP protocol.
Setting the IP Address with BWConfig
The Ethernet network configuration pane in BWConfig contains the parameters
used to control the behavior of the Ethernet network interface. The parameters are
described in Table 3-1 below. Refer to Figure 3-1 to see how each parameter is
displayed on the user interface.
DHCP Enable
If DHCP is enabled, the module will receive
its IP configuration from a DHCP server on
the network.
If no DHCP server is available, the module
will revert to the last saved IP configuration.
On or Off
IP Address
The IP address the module will use on the Eth-
ernet network.
If DHCP is enabled, and a DHCP server is
found, this address is ignored. If a DHCP
server is not found, this address is used.
Valid IP
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask the module will use on the
Ethernet network.
If DHCP is enabled, and a DHCP server is
found, this mask is ignored. If a DHCP server
is not found, this mask is used.
Valid IP sub-
net mask
Gateway Address
The IP address of the gateway module on the
If DHCP is enabled, and a DHCP server is
found, this address is ignored. If a DHCP
server is not found, this address is used.
Valid IP
Network Speed
The speed that the module will communicate
at on the Ethernet network.
If the network speed is set to Auto, the module
will auto-negotiate network speed.
10, 100, or
Table 3-1 Ethernet Network Configuration Parameters