File System 8-10
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
The ON/OFF line functionality is by default configured to be triggered by the
Link Status. It can however be configured to be triggered by for example a Mod-
bus command. This is done by creating the file ‘\onoffln.cfg’.
The components and format of the file is shown below:
[ON/OFF-line trigger] ON/OFF-line trigger [‘Link’|’Modbus’]
Modbus Values “Link” and “Modbus”
Timeout value. A value 10 = 1000ms
Commands (this line is optional)
3, 16, 23
Selects what Modbus commands must be
received during the timeout period.
If the keyword ‘ALL’ is given, the ON/OFF line
functionality will trigger on all Modbus commands
The [Timeout] and [Commands] heading shall only be given if the ON/OFF-line
trigger value is set to Modbus.
The contents of this file can be redirected by placing the line ‘[File Path]’ on the
first row, and a file path on the second.
[File path]
In this example, the settings described above will be loaded from the file
The module has to be restarted in order for any changes in this file to have