EtherNet/IP 6-10
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
CIP Bridging
The EtherNet/IP protocol provides bridging capabilities to allow a device on the
EtherNet/IP network to access a device on the DeviceNet network through
Explicit Messaging. The Anybus-X Ethernet to DeviceNet Gateway allows a
device on EtherNet/IP to send an Explicit Message to a device on DeviceNet and
receive its response. In this way the device on EtherNet/IP can directly access the
objects of any DeviceNet device to configure or access data.
To send an Explicit Message to a DeviceNet device, the Unconnected Send or
Forward Open services of the Connection Manager Object are used. The the MAC
ID of the destination DeviceNet node along with a network port address must be
used in the Unconnected Send and Forward Open service. Refer to Volume 1,
Chapter 10 of the EtherNet/IP specification for further information on CIP Bridg-
The Anybus-X supports multi-hop bridged paths. If a routing path routes the mes-
sage through the local DeviceNet network to another network, via another bridge,
the Anybus-X will correctly route the message to the next bridge using an Uncon-
nected Send service over DeviceNet.
The Anybus-X does not support message routing from DeviceNet to Ether-
Port Addresses
Table 6-8 Port Addresses