DeviceNet 5-6
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Interaction with I/O Tables
The DeviceNet interface in the Anybus-X accesses the I/O tables as slave I/O con-
nections are processed by the DeviceNet master; there is no buffering or timed
updates of the I/O within the module. Safeguards are in place to ensure data integ-
rity by prohibiting simultaneous access by the Ethernet and DeviceNet interfaces.
There is no synchronization between the 2 network interfaces.
When an I/O connection with a slave requires that output data be sent to the slave,
it will be read from the Output table. The data read is what was placed there by the
last write to the Output table by the Ethernet interface.
When input data is received on a slave’s I/O connection, it is copied to the Input
table. This data is available to be read by the Ethernet interface and sent to the
EtherNet/IP scanner on the next data exchange.