Quick Start 4-15
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Exit the telnet program.
Open a web browser window on the PC.
Type ‘FTP://<IP address>’ in the address field. Substitute <IP address>
with the IP address you are using for the module. Don’t include the “<“or
“>” characters
The directory and file that you created earlier using the Telnet application
should appear. (If your files are not present, press ‘F5’ to update the win-
dow content)
Don’t close this window yet. If you are not in the root directory, make
sure you are.
Step 3: Create and Upload a Web Page
Open a text editor to create a text file.
Type the following into the new file
including the “<“and “>” charac-
<center><h3>Hello world!</h3>Amazing.</center>
Save the file using the filename ‘hello.htm’.
To upload the web page to the module, simply drag it to the web browser
window that you opened earlier.
This example requires Windows™ Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, but it is
possible to use any FTP client. However, the procedure may not be similar to this