EtherNet/IP 6-9
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
Notes About Using ControlLogix I/O Connections
When configuring I/O connections between a Rockwell Automation Control-
Logix EtherNet/IP scanner and the Anybus-X, the Generic EtherNet/IP device
type should be used.
The Run/Idle register is automatically inserted at the front of the output data and
the application has not control over its use. The System Run Mode bit is set
according to the Run/Program mode of the controller. The ControlLogix applica-
tion sees byte 4 as the beginning of the output assembly.
The output size must be set to 4 bytes less than the actual assembly size to account
for the Run/Idle header that is automatically added by the controller.
The maximum connection size that ControlLogix allows is 500 bytes. Hence the
total 508 bytes of the input and output areas cannot be accessed when using Con-