IT Functionality 9-21
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
String Functions
Changing SSI Output
There are two methods of changing the output strings from SSI functions:
Changing SSI output defaults by creating a file called “\ssi_str.cfg” con-
taining the output strings for all SSI functions in the system.
Temporary changing the SSI output by calling the SSI function “SsiOut-
SSI Output string file
If the file “\ssi_str.cfg” is found in the file system and the file is correct according
to the specification below, the SSI functions will use the output strings specified
in this file instead of the default strings.
The file has the following format:
Success: “String to use on success”
Invalid IP: “String to use when the IP address is invalid”
Invalid Subnet: “String to use when the Subnet mask is invalid”
Invalid Gateway: “String to use when the Gateway address is invalid”
Invalid Email server: “String to use when the SMTP address is invalid”
Invalid IP or Subnet: “String to use when the IP address and Subnet mask does not
Save Error: “String to use when storage fails”
Invalid DHCP state: “String to use when the DHCP state is invalid”
Success: “String to use on success”
Failure: “String to use on failure”
Failure: “String to use when failure” To include filename “%s” can be included to
the string once