IT Functionality 9-2
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
The FTP Server
It is possible to upload/download files to/from the file system using a standard
FTP client. Depending on security settings, different parts of the file system can
be accessed by the user:
Normal Mode / Normal User
The user must login using a valid username/password combination. The root
directory will be the ‘\user’ directory unless the user has admin permission, see
Administration Mode / Admin User
The admin user has unrestricted access to the file system.
The Telnet Server
Through a Telnet client, the user can access the file system using a command line
interface similar to MS-DOS™.
Normal Mode / Normal User
The user must login using a valid username/password combination. The root
directory will be the ‘\user’ directory unless the user has admin permission, see
Administration Mode / Admin User
The user must supply a valid admin user/password combination either during
login or by using the command ‘admin’ in order to get admin permission.
The admin user has full access to the file system. The root directory will be “\”
and no files or folders will be hidden.