Quick Start 4-10
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Select the
tab. The Output mapping screen is displayed. The top
portion gives a list of the devices in the scan list that the Anybus-X will
send output data to. The bottom shows the location in the Output table
where the data will be placed for each device.
This shows the format of
the Output table of the Anybus-X. This is the format of the output
data that will be sent to the Anybus-X from the EtherNet/IP scanner.
See “I/O Mapping” on page 3-10
Click the
button, and
to download the scanlist to the Anybus-X.
The Anybus-X starts scanning as soon as it finds entries in its scanlist.
However, in Idle mode, output data will not be sent to the devices.
Automap is used in this example to for simplicity. In some cases, the user
may wish to organize the I/O data in other ways; this can be done using the
data table editor in the Input and Output tabs. See the RSNetWorx man-
ual for complete details.