File System 8-2
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
The file system features two security levels: Administration and Normal. In
Administration mode, the user has full access to the file system through FTP and
Telnet. This enables the user to access areas of the file system that are restricted or
inaccessible in Normal mode.
Normal mode is recommended for normal operation, so that web pages and other
settings are protected. Administration mode is intended for product development.
The security level can be set individually for each login.
Files within the file system can be protected from web access through username/
password authorization, see “Password Files” on page 8-11 and “‘web_accs.cfg’”
on page 8-12. It is also possible to configure which IP addresses and what proto-
cols that are allowed to connect to the module, see “‘ip_accs.cfg’” on page 8-8.
Normal mode
The Anybus-X contains a default admin password (“ad_pswd.cfg”) file so when
the module is first powered it operates in normal mode (See “Default User
Accounts” on page 9-1). If a valid admin password file (see “Password Files” on
page 8-11) is not found, the module will default operations to Administration
In normal mode the FTP and Telnet services are only enabled if there is a subdi-
rectory called “\user”. When a normal user connects via FTP or Telnet, this direc-
tory will be their root directory. The user will not be able to access files outside
this directory and its subdirectories (administrator files).
In normal mode the Anybus-X provides user/password protection for FTP and
Telnet with a file called “sys_pswd.cfg” in the directory “\user\pswd”. Files in
this directory cannot be accessed by a web browser. A default “sys_pswd.cfg” file
is provided. The default file provides a guest user access to FTP and Telnet. This
user has username “guest” and password “guest”.