IT Functionality 9-22
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
Success: “String to use on success”
Failure: “String to use on failure” To include filename “%s” can be included to the
string once.
Success: “String to use on success”
Failure: “String to use on failure”
The contents of this file can be redirected by placing the line [File path] on the
first row, and the actual file path on the second row.
Temporary SSI Output change
The SSI output for the next called SSI function can be changed with the SSI func-
tion “SsiOutput()” The next called SSI function will use the output according to
this call. Thereafter the SSI functions use the default outputs or the outputs
according to the file ‘\ssi_str.cfg’. The maximum size of a string is 128 bytes.
<?--#exec cmd_argument=’SsiOutput(
“Success string”, “Failure string”)’-->
This example shows how to change the output strings for a scanf SSI call.
<?--#exec cmd_argument=’SsiOutput (“Parameter1 updated”, “Error”)’-->
<?--#exec cmd_argument=”scanf(“Parameter1”, “%d”, OutWriteByte(0))’-->