Chapter 1
Module Description 1-1
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Anybus-X Module Description
The Anybus-X Ethernet to DeviceNet Gateway allows you to seamlessly connect
your Information or Control level networks with your Device level network.
The Ethernet to DeviceNet Gateway provides full DeviceNet Master functionality
allowing connectivity to 63 DeviceNet slaves devices along with an Ethernet
TCP/IP interface that supports IT protocols such as SMTP, FTP, HTTP and con-
trol protocols such as EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP.
Examples of Anybus-X Ethernet to DeviceNet applications:
Anybus-X can be used as a gateway to connect information or control
level networks to device level networks for programming, configuration,
control or data collection. (E.g. Modbus/TCP to DeviceNet)
Anybus-X can provide router/bridge functionality to connect EtherNet/IP
to DeviceNet.
Anybus-X can provide an internal web server to allow remote viewing of
data via a web browser and can offer email and file transfer capabilities to
enhance your application.