File System 8-17
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Anybus-X Web Page Files
The Anybus-X contains several web pages in HTML files to allow changing the
default configuration settings and displaying DeviceNet status. Information dis-
played on these pages are updated every 2.5 seconds.
NOTE: These web pages require that your browser support Java. Recent versions
of Microsoft Internet Explorer do not support Java by default. The Microsoft Vir-
tual Machine for Internet Explorer may be downloaded from Microsoft’s web site
at http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp.
The files associated with the web pages are in the \web directory and correspond-
ing support files are located in \web\styles.
‘\index.htm’ (Re-Direct Page)
The ‘\index.htm’ file replaces the virtual file index.htm and provides an entry
screen with a link to the Anybus-X’s Home page in the \web subdirectory.
‘\web\index.htm’ (Home Page)
The ‘\web\index.htm’ file provides an information screen with links to other web
pages in the \web subdirectory. This is considered the Anybus-X’s Home page.
‘\web\BW_Settings.htm’ (Settings)
Click on the “Settings” link to display a web page allowing ethernet address set-
tings to be re-configured including the subnet mask, gateway address, IP address,
and DHCP enable.
‘\web\BW_NodeActive.htm’ (Active Nodes)
Click on the “Active Nodes” link to display a web page providing a status table
of the possible 63 DeviceNet nodes with an indication of whether the node is con-
figured in the Anybus-X’s scanlist (Active). Nodes in the scanlist will have the
word “Active” next to it.