DeviceNet 5-3
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
I/O Message Types
The Anybus-X supports all I/O messaging types specified by the DeviceNet pro-
tocol. These include strobe, poll, COS, COS Unacknowledged, Cyclic, and Cyclic
Unacknowledged I/O messages. I/O messaging and I/O parameters are configured
using the DeviceNet configuration tool.
I/O Mapping
The contents and layout of the data in the I/O tables is defined during configura-
tion of the scan list. The input and output data of each slave is configured, or
mapped, to specific locations in the input and output tables.
I/O Table Byte Swapping
The Anybus-X provides an I/O byte swapping option. If the option is enabled, the
data in the I/O tables is byte swapped on 16-bit boundaries. This is very useful if
the Ethernet protocol being used is Modbus/TCP since Modbus assumes the byte
ordering is opposite of that of DeviceNet.
Do not enable byte swapping if the Ethernet protocol being used is EtherNet/IP.
Proxy for Group 2 Only Devices
The Anybus-X provides the capabilities necessary for being a Group 2 Only Cli-
ent as defined for the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set. Group 3 explicit
messages destined for a group 2 only device that is configured as a slave to the
Anybus-X will be intercepted and relayed to the slave.