Configuration 3-15
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Setting the DeviceNet Configuration with Node Commissioning Tools
The DeviceNet network configuration may be set using DeviceNet node commis-
sioning tool like RSNetworx or NetTool-DN. The autobaud and byte swapping
parameters must be set through the parameter editing function of these tools.
See “DeviceNet Network Configuration” on page 4-1 for details on setting the
DeviceNet network configuration using these tools.
EDS File
Each device on a DeviceNet network has an associated EDS file containing all
necessary information about the device. This file is used by the network configu-
ration tools, such as RSNetWorx or NetTool-DN, during configuration of the net-
The laster version of the EDS file for the Anybus-X can be downloaded from
HMS’s web site, or received by contacting HMS.