8 Channel 2.4 GHz Aircraft Computer Radio System
8 Channel 2.4 GHz Aircraft Computer Radio System
Section 3: System Menu Programming
Section 3: System Menu Programming
The tail types you may choose with the Normal wing types are:
Rudder is located on a vertical stabilizer and elevator is on a horizontal stabilizer.
Two control surfaces in a V-configuration operate together providing both yaw (rudder) and pitch
(elevator) control.
Each half of the elevator is controlled by a dedicated servo to provide pitch (elevator), and roll (aileron) control.
The tail types you may choose with delta wing types are:
None: For flying wing models without a rudder.
1Servo: For flying wing models with a single rudder servo.
2Servo: For flying wing models with dual rudder servos.
Model Type GLID Menu Programming cont.
4. In the GLID setup menu, you will set your wing and tail choices.
Scroll to “WING” and press the jog dial to activate the menu.
The choices for Normal GLID wing type are:
1AILE: Single aileron servo
1AILE+1FLAP: Single aileron servo and single flap servo
1AILE+2FLAP: Single aileron servo and two flap servos
2AILE: Two aileron servos
2AILE+1FLAP: Two aileron servos and one flap servo
2AIL+2FLAP: Two aileron servos and two flap servos
Additionally there are setups for Delta (Elevon) wing type models:
2AILE: Two elevon servos
2AILE+1FLAP: Two elevon servos and one flap servo
2AILE+2FLAP: Two elevon servos and two flap servos
5. Once you have selected your wing type, press the jog dial to confirm your selection.
6. Scroll to “TAIL” and press the jog dial to activate the menu.
The choices for tail type are dependent on the type of wing you
7. Select the tail type for your model and press the jog dial to
confirm your selection.
8. Use the back button to return to the System Menu.
Model Type HELI Menu Programming
1. From the System Menu select MDL TYPE.
2. Press the jog dial once to enter the Model Type Selection
3. Scroll to highlight “HELI” and press the jog dial to enter the
HELI setup menu.
4. In the HELI menu you will set the swash type. Scroll to
highlight “SWASH” and press the jog dial to activate the menu.
There are six types of Swash types to choose from:
- 90° 1 servo: The three swash servos are configured 90° apart, and each servo provides independent
control of collective, pitch, or roll.
- 120° 3 servos: The three swash servos are configured 120° apart, and all servos operate in unison to
control collective, pitch, and roll.
- 140° 3 servos: The three swash servos are configured 140°/140°/80° apart, and all servos operate in
unison to control collective, pitch, and roll.
- 180° 2 Servo: In case of when the swash is formed in 90° angle and two servos control the mixing of
aileron and pitch.
- 90° 3 Servo: In case of when the swash is formed in 90° angle and three servos control the mixing of
aileron, elevator, and pitch.
- 90° 4 Servo: In case of when the swash is formed in 90° angle and four servos control the mixing of
aileron, elevator, and pitch.
Your helicopter’s manual will indicate the type of swashplate on your model.
5. Select the swash type for your helicopter and press the jog dial to confirm your selection.
6. Press the back button to return to the System Menu.