4.5 Data Formats
4.5 Data Formats
The 3532-50/3522-50 use character string data and decimal numeric data,
and the type used varies according to the command in question.
(1) Character data
Character string data must always begin with an alphabetic character, and
the characters following can be either alphabetic characters or numerals.
Although in character data either upper case letters or lower case letters are
accepted, response messages output by the 3532-50/3522-50 are always in
upper case letters.
(2) Decimal data
The numeric data values are all represented in decimal, in three formats
identified as NR1, NR2 and NR3, and each of these can appear as either a
signed number or an unsigned number. Unsigned numbers are taken as
Further, if the accuracy of a numerical value exceeds the limit which the
3532-50/3522-50 can deal, it is rounded off. (5 and above is rounded up; 4
and below is rounded down).
NR1 format - integer data.
+12, -23, 34
NR2 format - fixed point numbers.
+1.23, -23.45, 3.456
NR3 format - floating point numbers.
+1E-2, -2.3E+4
The term "NRf format" includes all these three formats.
When the 3532-50 or 3522-50 is receiving it accepts NRf format, but when
it is sending response messages it utilizes whichever one of the formats NR1
to NR3 is indicated in the specified command.
:RANGe 6
:RANGe +6.012
:RANGe 0.0006E4