5.4 Commands Specific to the 3532-50, 3522-50
Enables and disables the open circuit compensation function.
OFF/ALL (character data) or numerical data in NR3 format
3532-50: 42.0E+00 to 5.000E+06
3522-50: 1E-03 to 100.0E+03
Enables and disables the open circuit compensation function.
The numerical value can be in NRf format, but rounding is performed for figures
beyond the last valid decimal place.
The open circuit compensation is not performed.
The open circuit compensation is performed at all the test
Numerical data The open circuit compensation is performed at the set test
frequency only (spot compensation).
For DC compensation, set to 0.
When the compensation is performed at all the test frequencies, about 3 minutes
compensation (using the 3532-50) or about 2 minutes compensation (using the
3522-50) is required. Executing the command which changes test settings during
compensation is performed at all the test frequencies generates an execution error.
Be sure not to execute commands other than commands for checking each status
registers such as
ESR? and :ESR0?.
When the SPOT compensation is performed, it takes about maximum 15 minutes
(1 mHz compensation) for the 3522-50 to read the compensation data.
:CORRection:OPEN 1E+3
The open circuit compensation function at 1 kHz is set to ON.
If <data> is other than character data or numerical value described above, an
execution error occurs.
Executing this command while the comparator function is performed generates an
execution error.