file: n:\article\cos14310m5-v1_06hpc-en\20120215_cos14310m5-v1.06hpc-en_manual_h-p-cosmos_running_machine.doc
© 2012 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh [email protected] created 15.02.2012 printed 15.02.2012 page: 61 of 213
UserTerminal, keyboard and display
If your running machine has no UserTerminal (no display, no keyboard), it can only
be controlled via interface RS 232, e.g. via ECG, Ergospirometry, PC with software
h/p/cosmos para graphics
or h/p/cosmos para control
. Important security advices,
warnings, system requirements and a list of the compatible peripheric devices you
can find in this manual under RS232 interface and option functions RS232 protocol
or at our homepage www.coscom.org
More recent computers will have only an USB interface instead of the RS232 interface. For that case an „USB to RS232
interface-adapter-cable“ is available at h/p/cosmos under order number cos12769. To control via USB interface the
processor must be a Pentium 1.8 GHz or higher.
To use all the functions described below and for maintenance and service we recommend the PC software h/p/cosmos
para control
(Freeware). It is possible to purchase a keyboard or an external UserTerminal as optional equipment for
these models, which can be connected to the running machine via interface RS232. Option 1: UserTerminal MCU4
remote control with 5 meter cable: h/p/cosmos order number cos10002. Option 2: additional keyboard 6 keys with 2
meter cable: h/p/cosmos order number [cos10106]. When using an additional keyboard it is necessary (depending on
the model) to install a additional wiring and a connector, or the UserTerminal backplate has to be re-fitted/removed.
At the suspicion of unauthorized access or other reasons to lock the running machine, it has to be
locked for starting: See „option 40“ in chapter „option settings“. With option 41 ... 44 you can lock
also separate modes (manual, profile, cardio, test).
Oversize running machines and devices without UserTerminal
The oversize running machines series
h/p/cosmos venus and h/p/cosmos
saturn have an external control unit
with integrated UserTerminal.
It is possible to re-fit lt-models and to
equpip oversize running machines with
an additional UserTerminal at the
pic. top: Retrofitting UserTerminal at handrail
pic. left: External UserTerminal control unit
with options: rolls set and monitor-/laptop arm
Attachment for retrofitting UserTerminal at handrail [cos13514]
Monitor arm (movable-) for PC monitors or laptops [cos13321]
Laptop computer [cos13476]
Roll set (4 rolls) for external control unit [cos14184]