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ID# 43918
Single Shaft
Modell Turbine
Order No. 6810 Mechanics, factory-assembled with installed
turbine. Mainrotor, tailrotor, and accessories as
unassembled kit.
The RC helicopter which can be built based on this mechanical system is by no means a
toy! It is a complex flying machine which is capable of causing serious personal injury
and damage to property if handled and operated incompetently.
The turbine-powered model helicopter which is based on this mechanical system requi-
res considerable experience in flying model helicopters. This applies in particular to
competent assembly, initial set-up and maintenance. It is fundamentally essential that
the operator of this model should be a highly skilled, experienced model helicopter pilot,
capable of reacting correctly when unforeseen flight situations occur, and able to
recover from all manner of emergency situations, including auto-rotation landings.
We wish to point out expressly that any model helicopter based on this
mechanical system is unsuitable for beginners.
You alone are responsible for completing the model correctly and operating it with due
regard for safety. Please be sure to read and observe the enclosed sheets SHW3 and
SHW7 which include full safety information. They should be considered as an integral
part of these instructions.