Helicopter mechanics
with model turbine engine
(Turbine Limits menu still)
Drain Gastank
The propane tank can be drained after a successful turbine start to
reduce the risc of fire. (The shut off valve stays open, so the gas is
burned by the turbine during normal operation)
Default setting = Disabled (=OFF)
AUX-ch SmokeCtrl
The ECU can directly control a valve which blows smoke fluid / diesel fuel
into the exhaust efflux (à to generate smoke).
Possible settings are:
DISABLED : (inaktive)
Open if AuxSw=2
Open if AuxSw=0
Default setting = Disabled (=OFF)
StartUp Mode
Procedure required for triggering the turbine start by the rpm-slider:
SEQUENCE : Sequence OFF - Idle - Max - Idle
THROTTLE MAX : Max position of the slider
IMMEDIATE : Transition from OFF to idle
Default setting = SEQUENCE
Smoker WarnFunct
The smoker valve control can be used to indicate various emergency
states (smoke „pulsates“ in small clouds):
BATTERY LOW : Turbine battery is close to empty
FUEL LOW : Fuel tank is nearly empty
BATTorFUEL LOW : Battery or tank nearly empty
BATT,FUEL,FAILS : Battery or tank nearly empty or radio interferences
FAIL-SAFE : Radio interferences occur
Default setting = Disabled (=OFF)
At a helicopter you can use a flashing light or LED instead of the
smoker to visualize the emergency states above.
AirSpeed units
Display units for airspeeds, i.e. [km/hr] or [mph]
MAX LimitAirSpd
(not for helicopters)
(not for helicopters)