Allows delay and reverb “tails” to ring out or spill over across Preset changes.
Setting to “OFF” causes effect tails to be cleared upon preset change. Spillover
when switching Scenes or using “IA” Switches is not affected by this parameter.
(“ALL” includes not only Delay and Reverb but also Plex Delay, Multitap,
Megatap and Ten-Tap delay blocks.)
See also
Reverb Mix
+/- 50%
This boosts or cuts the MIX for ALL Reverb blocks in all presets. Note that
this offset is NOT reflected in the value shown for the actual Reverb block MIX
parameter. This feature is provided because certain dead or lively performance
spaces may require more or less reverb across all presets.
Remember that MIX generally applies only to Reverb blocks which are wired in
series. (Parallel reverbs typically run with MIX at 100%.)
Effects Mix
+/- 50%
This feature is provided because certain performance spaces may require more
or less of certain effects across all presets. This boosts or cuts the MIX of all
blocks for which the GLOBAL MIX parameter is set to “ON”. This switch must
be enabled on a per-block/per-preset basis and is available on the Mix page of
the Edit menu for these block types: Chorus, Delay, Flanger, Formant, Multitap,
Phaser, Pitch, Plex Delay, Reverb, Ring Mod, Rotary, Ten-Tap Delay
Noisegate Offset
+/- 40.00 dB
Globally raises or lowers the THRESHOLD of the Noise Gate for all Input blocks.
If the THRESHOLD for a given preset is set to “OFF”, the global Offset will have
no effect. Learn more about the Noise Gate in
"The Fractal Audio Blocks Guide"
Prompt on Edited Preset
When set to ON the unit will prompt before changing presets if the current
preset has been edited. This spares you from accidentally losing your edits.
NOTE: Be sure to change this to OFF before performing!
Indicate Edited on Scene
This determines whether or not Scene Changes will activate the "EDITED" light
on the front panel and in the connected editor. Please note that the current
scene is still saved as the default scene even when this setting is turned off.
Display Offset
0, 1
(Also appears in the MIDI/Remote menu) Causes presets numbers to begin
at 001 instead of 000. This only offsets the display, meaning that it does not
change which preset is actually loaded by a given footswitch or MIDI message.
Default Scene
When set to “As Saved” the scene selected when recalling a preset is the scene
that was active when the preset was last saved. When set to a particular scene
value that scene will always be selected when any preset is recalled.
Tap Tempo
Determines how the tempo changes when tapping the front panel TEMPO
button or an external tap tempo controller (see
). “AVERAGE” sets the
tempo based on the average of ten taps, meaning taps are more forgiving
but changes are more gradual. “LAST TWO” considers only the time interval
between the last two taps, which means taps must be more precise but
changes occur more quickly.
Value Knob Push Function
By default, pushing the main “VALUE” knob shows the layout grid. To disable
this feature, change the setting of this parameter to “NONE”.
AC Line Frequency
The Noise Gate in the Input Block uses smart EMI filtering to reduce hum and
buzz. For this to work correctly, you must set this parameter to match the power
line frequency of your country (i.e. 60 Hz for North America, 50 Hz for EU, etc.).