Festo — MSE6-E2M — 2022-08d
Module parameter: auto blocking delay time
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 17 (low byte)
4828 + m * 64 + 18 (high byte)
m = module number 1
Time in minutes which is waited after an uninterrupted underrun of the auto
blocking low flow limit parameter value before the MSE6-E2M automatically
switches to the blocking state.
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 10, low byte = 10; high byte = 0
Permissible values: 0 … 65535
Data migration only takes place in the pressurise module status. In the case
of a valve which has already been blocked automatically, the parameter value
only takes effect on the next auto blocking operation. The automatic blocking
function is also influenced by the auto blocking low flow limit parameter.
The automatic blocking function is only activated with an appropriately set
output data bit Output word Am.0 module control.
Tab. 55: Auto blocking delay time module parameter
Module parameter: auto-control flow rate limit value
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 19
4828 + m * 64 + 20
m = module number 1
Flow threshold value which must be underrun for the parameterised auto
blocking delay time for the MSE6-E2M to switch automatically to the blocking
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 0, low byte = 0; high byte = 0
Permissible values: 0 … 32767
Data migration only takes place in the pressurise module status. In the case
of a valve which has already been blocked automatically, the parameter value
only takes effect on the next auto blocking operation. The automatic blocking
function is also influenced by the auto blocking delay parameter.
The automatic blocking function is only activated with an appropriately set
output data bit Output word Am.0 module control.
Tab. 56: Auto-control flow rate limit value module parameter