January 2016, Rev. 1
CAM216/16 IOM
Doc. Number: ECM-402-0116
Section 13: AMS Bulk Transfer
AMS Bulk Transfer
Bulk Configuration Transfer Utility Procedure
To transfer parameter data from the user configuration with the bulk transfer utility,
create a new spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel. On the spreadsheet, use column 1
for “User Configuration” and Column 2 for “Host Tags”. Once all the information is
entered, save the document.
Figure 85
Transfering Parameter Data
Before sending the configuration, the device must be placed into “Setup” mode,
This can be done from AMS Device manager by opening the desired device DD and
navigating to “Configure > Manual Setup > Detailed Setup” and use the configuration
commands to place the device into “Setup Mode”
Figure 86
Entering Setup Mode
Note that when device is this mode, Commands from the host will be
ignored. You might to back to Overview Menu to verify the device is in setup