troubleshooting, 270–271
pH control
Auto mode, 221
Manual mode, 223
split range loop, 221
pH Detail screen, 109
pH overview screen, 102
pH PID Settings screen, 111
pH probe
calibration, 176
illustration, 85
insert into probe
sheath, 184
standardization, 179
PID parameters
TCU, 285
temperature control, 285
PolyScience TCU
troubleshooting, 274
Power failure, 38
Prerequisites, 7
Prime Pumps screen, 219
autoclave, 183
compatibility, 85
disconnect, 243
in probe sheath assem-
bly, 86
insert into probe
sheath, 184
pH probe, calibration, 176
pH probe, illustration, 85
standardization, 179
temperature probe, adjust-
ment, 289
temperature probe, calibra-
tion, 287
temperature probe, malfunc-
tioning, 275
Probe ports
illustration, 84
unpacking, 159
Probe sheath
insert into bag, 186, 188
prepare installation, 186
Probe sheath assembly
autoclave, 183
compatibility, 85
compressed, 196
description, 85
holder, 185
insert probe, 184
with probe, 86
Probe support
Process variable button, 92
collect, 242
Product return or servicing, 293
cable, 127
check connection, 271
network, 54
troubleshooting, 268
Programmable logic con-
troller, 76
change direction, 219
characteristics, 282
measuring units, 281
prime, 219
troubleshooting, 273
Ratchet clamps
breakage, 195
handling, 186
sterilization, 183
Recycling information, 42
decontamination, 42
disposal, 42
disposal of electrical compo-
nents, 42
recycling of hazardous sub-
stances, 42
Regulatory information, 29
location, 27
Remote control
optional functions, 53
disposable bag, 244
door, 167, 232
probe, 243
probe support, 130
burst disc, 259
after emergency stop, 36
after power failure, 38
Xcellerex XDUO 2500 Mixer Operating Instructions 29146667 AH