C h a p t e r 2 : A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m m i n g
4 4
Activity/Closing Delinquency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [380], Option [8]
Delinquency Transmission Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [370]
Zone Restorals
If the
Restoral on Bell Time-out
option is selected, the system will send the
Zone Resto-
Reporting Code for the zone if the bell cut-off time has expired
the zone is secured.
If the zone is not secured when the bell cut-off time expires, the system will send the resto-
ral immediately once the zone is secured, or when the system is disarmed. If the
on Bell Time-out
option is not selected, the system will immediately send the
Reporting Code when the zone is secured, regardless of whether or not the alarm
output is active.
24 Hour type zones will report the restoral immediately when the zone is
Restoral on Bell Time-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [380], Option [2]
AC Failure Communication Delay Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [370]
The Event Buffer follows Swinger Shutdown option must be enabled if
Talk/Listen-In is used.
The NT9010 system has a Talk/Listen-In feature. This feature allows central station opera-
tors to listen in on what is happening on the premises, and for some events to talk to any-
body present on the premises. You can program Talk/Listen-in sessions to be triggered by
zone alarms, keypad-activated Auxiliary (
) or Medical (
)* and Panic alarms, openings/
closings, duress alarms, tamper alarms, or opening after alarm conditions.
For this feature to work, communications must be enabled (section [380], option [1]), and
the system must be programmed to report the event. For example, if a reporting code for a
zone is not programmed, an event in that zone will not initiate Talk/Listen-In session. See
2.3.12 CommunicatorReporting Codes
on page 42.
You can allow or disallow talk/listen-in sessions on telephone lines 1 and 3 by changing the
Talk/Listen on Phone Lines 1/3
option. You can allow or disallow talk/listen-in sessions
on telephone line 2 by changing the
Talk/Listen on Phone Line 2
Zone Options
For the feature to work on a zone alarm, you must do the following:
• enroll the zone on the NT9010 (see
Chapter 1: Quick Set Up
on page 1)
• enable the talk/listen-in feature on the zone (section [802], sub-sections [50] to [53])
• program a reporting code for each zone alarm
You can have the talk/listen-in session take place on either the NT9010 control unit or the
remote sounder (if installed). In the
Port Assignments
sections (section [802], sub-sec-
tions [10] to [13]), choose the unit that is closest to the zone. If you do not assign one of
the units, the talk/listen-in session will not take place over both units.
All zones programmed as silent will not initiate a Talk/Listen-In session.
Only a Listen-In session can occur.
If Talk/Listen-In is used in a multiple room situation, an NT9201 remote
sounder is highly recommended.