C h a p t e r 2 : A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m m i n g
2 2
Verbal Chime for Zone Closings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [807]-[002], Option [3]
Custom Zone Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sections [807]-[601] to [807]-[632]
2.2.4 Alarm
If the
Verbal Alarm
option is turned on, the system will announce the first and last zones
that have gone into alarm, along with the alarm tone. When a zone with the Audible
attribute turned on goes into alarm, the NT9010 system will sound an alarm tone, but
every 15 seconds it will pause the siren and the speaker will announce the zone(s) in alarm,
for example:
“Alarm South Bedroom Window”
You can change the number of seconds between alarm announcements in the
Tone Period for Verbal Alarm
Zones programmed as Silent, and 24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer zones will not be announced
or cause the unit to annunciate at full volume.
Fire annunciation always overrides any burglary zone alarm annuncia-
tion. Alarms from Fire or Panic keys override all other alarm announcements.
The alarm announcements will stop with the siren at the end of the Bell
Time Out period.
Verbal Alarm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [017], Option [3]
Alarm Tone Period for Verbal Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [807]-[030]
2.2.5 Arming and
If the
Arm/Disarm Bell Squawk
option is enabled the system will squawk the alarm out-
put once upon arming and twice upon disarming. If an alarm is in memory, when the sys-
tem is disarmed the bell will sound three pairs of disarm squawks.
If you enable the Bell Squawk on Arming/Disarming (section [014],
option [1]), the bell will sound arm/disarm bell squawks for all access codes,
regardless of the programming for attribute [7] (see 2.2.2 Access Codes on page
Enable both the
Squawk on Away Arming/Disarming Only
and the
Arm/Disarm Bell
options to have the system squawk the bell only when the system is away armed
or disarmed.
If the
Opening After Alarm Keypad Ringback
option is turned on, the system will beep
the keypad 10 times rapidly if the system is disarmed after an alarm occurred. If the
ing After Alarm Bell Squawk
option is turned on, the system will squawk the bell output
10 times rapidly if the system is disarmed after an alarm occurred.
If the system is armed using the Stay function key, or by entering [
][9][access code], there
will be no bell squawks during entry and exit delays, except for the arm/disarm bell
Closing Confirmation
, if enabled, will cause the keypad to beep 10 times rapidly after
the closing reporting code has been successfully transmitted to central station.
If you enable the
WLS Key Does Not Use Access Codes
option, the disarm button
work on wireless keys which have not been assigned access codes.
To prevent disarming by wireless keys which don’t have access codes,
this option.
(See also
2.2.11 Programming Wireless Keys
on page 30.)