S e c t i o n 2 . 3 : C ha ng i ng O t he r N T 9 0 1 0 Fu n c t i o n s
4 3
reporting codes which can be programmed and lists of automatic Contact ID and SIA for-
mat codes, please see
Appendix B: Reporting Codes
on page 52.
Transmission Delay
The Transmission Delay feature is used to delay reporting of alarms. When a zone is violated
and causes an alarm, the
Transmission Delay Timer
will start. When the timer expires,
the system will transmit the programmed reporting code. If the system is disarmed before
the timer expires, the alarm will not be transmitted.
The Transmission Delay zone attribute determines which zones will start the timer.
Transmission Delay Zone Attributes . . . . . . . . . . Sections [101] to [132], Option [7]
Transmission Delay Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [370]
Low Battery Transmission Delay
When using wireless devices, the battery status of the devices will be monitored by the sys-
tem. If a low battery condition exists, the system will indicate a general transmitter low bat-
tery trouble. The system will delay reporting the event for the number of days programmed
as the
Low Battery Transmission Delay
. This delay provides the user with an opportunity
to change the batteries on the units before the condition is reported to the central station.
Instruct the customer on how to change the batteries of wireless devices to gain maximum
use of this feature.
After the first Wireless Device Low Battery reporting code is sent, the
system will not send additional low battery events until the first low battery
trouble is restored.
Low Battery Transmission Delay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [370]
Cross Zone Police Code Reporting
The system will transmit the
Cross Zone Police Code
reporting code, if programmed,
when two different zones are violated within the same armed-to-armed period.
Cross Zone Police Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [328]
Delinquency Reporting
The Delinquency feature is used to monitor system activity. When the
Delinquency Trans-
mission Delay
timer expires, the system will transmit the Delinquency reporting code.
If the system is programmed to monitor
Activity Delinquency
, the timer will be pro-
grammed in hours. The timer will start under the following conditions:
• When the system is armed in the Stay mode
• When the system is disarmed
• When a zone is violated and restored while the system is disarmed/Stay armed (Inte-
rior, Interior Delay, Interior Stay/Away, or Delay Stay/Away zones only).
The activity delinquency timer will be ignored when the system is armed in the Away
mode. Zones that are bypassed in the [
][1] Bypass menu will not reset the timer.
If the system is programmed to monitor
Closing Delinquency
, the timer will be pro-
grammed in days. The timer will restart every time the system is disarmed.