C h a p t e r 2 : A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m m i n g
2 0
It cannot be used to bypass zones, or for any other function. This code can only be pro-
grammed in Advanced Programming.
Installer’s Code
You will use the Installer’s Code to set up and to program the system. The
Installer Code
[5555] at default, but should be changed to prevent unauthorized access to programming.
Telephone Access Code
If the NT9010 system is connected to the premise telephone line, users will be able to
access their system using a premise or phone (see
2.2.1 Accessing the NT9010 System
Using a Telephone
on page 18). Users will need to enter a Telephone Access Code before
they can use the NT9010 system. The default Telephone Access Code is [
]. You can
change this to any 3 digit code using numbers 0 through 9 as well as the [
] and [#] keys.
This access code can only be changed through Advanced Programming.
Avoid programming this code as a valid 3 digit area code or telephone
service. Avoid numbers such as [911], [411], [611] or [0XX]. Do not try to exit this
section by pressing [#], it will be accepted as a valid digit. To exit, program all 3
digits of the code or press [Forward].
Programming Access Code Attributes
Attributes determine what abilities an access code will have.
By default, each code has the attributes of the code used to program it. For example, if you
use the Master code to program other access codes, the new codes will have the same
attributes as the Master code. You can change the attribute programming by following the
instructions below.
You cannot change Master code attribute programming. The Master code has all attributes
turned on, except for the Bell Squawk on Arming/Disarming attribute.
To program each attribute:
1. Enter [
][5][Master code][9] to enter the attribute programming mode.
2. Enter the 2-digit number of the access code you want to edit.
3. Enter the attribute number to toggle it on or off.
The programmable attributes are as follows:
• Attribute 1: User enabled for arming, disarming, alarm reset, auto-arm cancel (on by
• Attribute 2: For future use
• Attribute 3: Zone Bypass enabled
This attribute allows the user to bypass zones.
• Attribute 4: NT9010 Telephone Access
This attribute allows the user to access the security system from a telephone when
an access code is required.
• Attributes 5-6: For future use
• Attribute 7: Bell Squawk on Arming/Disarming. When this attribute is turned on, the
bell will squawk when the access code is entered to arm or disarm the system. For
example, you can use the arm/disarm bell squawk attribute to have wireless key
access codes squawk the bell, while other codes are silent. To do this, enable
attribute [7] on all access codes associated with wireless keys.