5 • Service
Doc. 031644-02 9/03
Removing the Flow Cell
Remove the flow cell from the optical bench prior to inspecting the cell for
leaks or obstructions, replacing the cell windows (see Section 5.5), or
installing a new cell (see Section 5.6).
1. Grasp the detector front panel by the sides and pull straight off to remove.
2. Disconnect the tubing connected to the flow cell inlet and outlet (see
3. Remove the flow cell cover from the inside front panel.
4. Remove the tubing bracket from the lamp cover.
5. Remove the flow cell inlet tubing from the tubing guide in the lamp cover.
6. Squeeze the handle of the flow cell and pull it out of the optical bench.
Figure 5-1. Removing the Flow Cell
Flow Cell
Lamp Cover
Lamp Wires
Flow Cell
Flow Cell
Inlet Tubing
Flow Cell
Outlet Tubing
Optical Bench
Tungsten Lamp
Deuterium Lamp
Guide for Lamp Wires