PDA-100 Photodiode Array Detector
Doc. 031644-02 9/03
Replace the deuterium and tungsten lamps when required (see below). The
average lamp lifetime is 1000 hours. However, lamps often last longer than
this with only minimal deterioration in performance.
Monitor baseline noise. If the noise increases above an acceptable level,
especially after a lamp(s) has been in service for more than 1000 hours,
replace the lamp. See Section 5.7 or Section 5.8 for replacement
instructions for the deuterium or tungsten lamp, respectively.
Approximately every 6 months, check the intensity of the deuterium lamp
as follows: Press F8 in PeakNet 6 or Chromeleon to display the
Commands dialog box, select
(to display UV-related commands), and
. The reading should be above 10 million counts; if
it is not, select the
UV_Calibration Intensity
command to calibrate the
lamp. After calibration, check the lamp intensity again. If the reading is
still too low, clean the flow cell (see Section 5.2) or replace the lamp (see
Section 5.7).
Approximately every 6 months, run the wavelength calibration and
verification procedures for the deuterium and tungsten lamps from the
Wellness panel (see Section 4.15.2).