PDA-100 Photodiode Array Detector
Doc. 031644-02 9/03
Lamp Power Supply
The lamp power supply controls the deuterium and tungsten lamps; it also
supplies power to the variable speed fan that cools the optical bench.
NOTE The fan speed is controlled automatically. Changes in
fan speed may be audible, especially when the lamp
selection is changed or the ambient temperature
Preamp Card
The photodiode array is connected directly to the preamplifier. The preamp gain is
automatically adjusted to compensate for system variables, such as lamp intensity.
Analog-to-digital conversion of the signal occurs on the Preamp card. Preamp
output is directed to the Data Processing card.
SHOCK HAZARD—Components used to ignite and operate the
deuterium lamp are at high potentials.
DANGER D'ÉLECTROCUTION—Les composants utilisés pour allumer
et faire fonctionner la lampe au deutérium sont à des potentiels
STROMSCHLAGGEFAHR—Die Komponenten zum Zünden und
Betreiben der Deuteriumlampe führen Hochspannung. Der Service
darf nur von qualifiziertem Personal durchgeführt werden.