PDA-100 Photodiode Array Detector
Doc. 031644-02 9/03
Replacing the Flow Cell Windows
Contaminated flow cell windows can significantly increase baseline noise and
cause wavelength calibration to fail. If cleaning the cell (see Section 5.4) does
not eliminate these problems, replace the two silica flow cell windows.
The flow cell windows replacement kit (P/N 060498) contains all of the parts
required for this procedure. The kit is optional and must be ordered separately
from the PDA-100.
1. Remove the flow cell from the optical bench (see Section 5.4) and place it on
a clean work surface.
2. Put on a pair of latex gloves.
3. Using the windows replacement tool (P/N 060497), remove one of the
window nuts from the flow cell (see Figure 5-2). It does not matter which
window nut you remove first.
4. Remove and discard the old window.
Figure 5-2. Replacing the Flow Cell Windows (Light inlet side shown)