JC : 3K015221D
Initial setting for ultra-long life filter
Approximately every 5,000 hours
Approximately every 10,000 hours
Where there is minimal fouling
(Example: Office, etc.)
Where there is considerable fouling
(Example: Pachinko parlor, etc.)
• With the mounting of a ultra-long life filter unit, setting the indoor unit main
body is required.
Using the field setting mode on the remote control, switch to the setting
position number shown in the table to the right.
For the field setting mode, refer to "How to perform field setting" attached
to the remote control.
Figure 7
Figure 6
Sealing pad (supplied): For preventing air bypass
(Stick to 2 positions in the same manner.)
• Mounting of ultra-long life filter
After the completion of wiring and sticking of sealing pad (2 positions), mount the
ultra-long life filter. Figure 6 Figure 7
• Route the connector of the receiver lead wire through the wire through hole, then connect the connector on the indoor printed circuit board assembly.
• For details on the connection method, refer to the installation manual attached to the wireless remote control kit (sold separately).
• After temporarily hooking the decoration panel, pass the swing motor lead wire, which is coming out from the decoration panel, through the wire through hole of the ultra-long
life filter unit.
• Mount the decoration panel according to the installation manual attached to the decoration panel.
Installation pattern paper
(Supplied with indoor unit main body)
• Install the indoor unit main body and ultra-long life filter unit.
At the time of installation, perform engineering work according to the installation manual
attached to the air conditioner's main body. (For the installation height, refer to the figure to
the right.)
• When mounting the ultra-long life filter unit to the existing indoor unit main body, change the
installation height of the indoor unit main body to height in the figure to the right.
• Mount the supplied installation pattern paper to the indoor unit by using screws
to cure the indoor unit.
(Refer to the installation manual of the indoor unit main body.)
(Refer to the figure below.)
• Complete all the refrigerant and drain piping work for the indoor unit main body.
Ultra-long life filter unit
Wire through hole
Ceiling surface
Decoration panel
Ultra-long life filter unit
Indoor unit
main body
Ultra-long life filter chamber
Preparation of Indoor Unit
Decoration panel
Suspension bracket
M4 × 12 Screw
(Supplied with indoor unit main body)
Swing motor lead wire:
Route from the panel side to the
ultra-long life filter chamber.
Setting switch number
Filter sign display interval time
(After temporarily hooking the
decoration panel, pass through
the wire through hole.)
Mode number
Filter clasp
10 or 20
Ultra-long life filter
Mounting of Decoration Panel and Mounting of Ultra-Long Life Filter
Setting position Number
[Mounting of installation pattern paper]
Rotate the filter clasp by 90˚
to fix the filter.
(4 positions)
With wireless unit
(Installation height
Installation of Indoor Unit Main Body and Ultra-Long Life Filter Unit
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