Figure 3
Figure 4
SMC-SMN borehole pumps are fitted to be coupled to submersible motors
with flange and shaft projection:
- complying with Nema norms for 4” - 6” - 8” motors;
- according to DAB drawing for motors
For motor-pump coupling follow scrupulously both instructions concerning the
pump and the motor.
Before coupling be sure that motor data plate corresponds to pump data and
that also flange and shaft extension coincide.
-Verify that motor and pump rotate in the same direction.
-Make use of protective gloves;
the motor in vertical position checking its
stability during the whole coupling operation;
Proceed as follows:
- verify that the rotor of motor and pump shaft are turning free by hand. If you
make use of standard implements like pliers, screwdrivers or pins, protect
coupling surfaces by suitable tape to prevent damages;
- clean carefully surfaces to be coupled, smoothing when necessary and
removing eventual excessive paint;
- using the suitable equipment (mobile crane, hoist, etc.), lift the pump and
when perfectly vertical over the motor lower it slowly taking care that the motor
shaft enters freely into the pump coupling
(fig 3)
Safeguard your hands during this operation;
- pilot coupling keeping the hands outside the pump, far from flanges;
- verify that electric cables of the motor are in correspondence with relevant
pump seats;
In case of motors with splined shaft projection, we suggest to
lubricate the coupling splines with a light coat of antipollution and waterproof
grease against wearing due to the eventual presence of sand;
- screw diagonally securing screw, possibly by dynamometric spanner (fig. 4),
at the following values:
Motor Driving
4” 18Nm
6” 60
8” 140
10” 200
12” 140