PS-28 Cruiser
PS-28N Cruiser
Revision No.: 6
Date of issue: 2013-01-11
13 - 10
Check / Adjustment
Adjusting the heating control
(a) Adjust the control by screwing or unscrewing the control cable terminal from the control
(b) After adjustment of the control, mark the mutual position of the control cable terminal and
the flap controller with red color.
Exchanges / Service information
Carbon monoxide detector replacement
The Quantum Eye has an 18-month product life once it has been activated. Excessive dos-
ages, multiple exposures, or use after the expiration date may cause the sensor to turn
permanently dark. If the sensor turns any color other than those shown, it has been
contaminated and must be replaced.
Keep the sensor away from water, grease, solvents, dirt, hot surfaces, cleaning solutions, and
other contaminants, which may destroy or shorten the life of the sensor. Carbon monoxide
(CO) is an insidious and cumulative poison. It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas
produced by the incomplete combustion of fuel.
(a) Activate detector by removing it from the plastic bag.
(b) Attach the detector on the instrument panel.
(c) If carbon monoxide is present the sensor changes color (see Chapter 13.2.3).
(d) When the air freshens, the sensor will regenerate to its original color and will be ready to
use again (unless it has been overexposed).