PS-28 Cruiser
PS-28N Cruiser
Date of issue: 2011-03-08
Revision No.: -
8 - 15
Fig. 8-11
: Nose landing gear leg removal / installation.
8.3.13 Removal of brake pumps
Type of maintenance: line
Authorization to perform:
Sport pilot or higher
Tools needed:
wrench size 1/2 in, 3/8 in
(a) Disconnect the brake system hose from the brake cylinder on the main landing gear wheel
and let brake fluid drain to a previously prepared can from that system line in which you
want to remove the brake pump.
(b) Disconnect the brake system hose (3, Fig. 8-12) from the brake pump (1; 2).
(c) Remove cotter pin (7), unscrew nut (11), remove washer (12), spacers (9; 10), bolt (8) and
disconnect brake pump rod eye from the rudder pedal (14).
(d) Remove cotter pin (7), unscrew nut (5), remove washer (6), bolt (4) and disconnect brake
pump from the bracket (13) on the floor.
1 Nose landing gear leg
2 Bolt
3 Nut
4 Washer
5 Tube
6 Bolt
7 Washer
8 Shock absorber
9 Cotter pin
For information:
10 Bracket
Access to the bolts (6) is from the