Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
OFF mode
Outputs STARTER, GCB CLOSE/OPEN and FUEL SOLENOID are not energized.
Gen-set cannot be started. If START,STOP,GCB ON/OFF buttons are pressed the controller will not
When the gen-set is running it is not possible to switch directly to OFF mode. First you have to stop the
MAN mode
1) START - starts the gen-set.
2) GCB
If generator voltage is out of the limits (adjusted in the set point group
Gener protect
) controller does
not respond to the GCB ON/OFF
a) controller closes GCB to dead bus.
b) controller starts GCB synchronizing when bus voltage is OK and MCB is closed or when other
gen-set(s) provide healthy voltage to the bus. Closes the GCB when synchronized and stays
running in parallel (island or mains parallel).
c) Unloads gen-set and opens the GCB if gen-set was running in parallel to the mains or to other
a) When gen-set is running in parallel: transfers the load to the mains or to other gen-set(s), opens
GCB, goes into cooling state and stops the engine.
b) When gen-set is running in single island (or in general there is no mains and no other gen-set(s)
to transfer the load to): opens GCB, goes into cooling state and stops the engine.
c) When engine is running unloaded: activates cooling sequence and then stops the engine.
d) During cooling state causes immediate engine stop.
The gen-set is permitted to run unloaded for unlimited time.
Controller does not automatically start the gen-set when SYS START/STOP input is closed.
Load control type in mains parallel depends on
: #Sys
LDSHARING setpoint.
In SEM mode, pressing of START or STOP buttons performs a predefined sequence:
1) START – starts the engine, synchronizes and runs in parallel.
2) STOP – softly unloads the gen-set, opens GCB, provides cooldown and stops the engine.
AUT mode
1) All gen-sets necessary to cover selected
LoadRes strt
are started when binary input SYS START/STOP
is closed and
Pwr management
is ENABLED. Power management can be based on kW, kVA or on
relative % reserve.
a) 1 sec delayed when MCB FEEDBACK binary input is closed (mains parallel)
b) delayed
SysAMFstrt del
when MCB FEEDBACK binary input is opened – start to island parallel
(multi AMF) situation
2) The first gen-set closes the GCB to the dead bus, the rest are synchronized to the bus.
3) When all necessary gen-sets are connected to the bus and
LoadRes strt
is achieved, SYST RES OK
output is closed. Output could be used to close the MGCB (Master GCB).
4) Total load and power factor are shared between parallel operating gen-sets.
5) Close input LOAD RESERVE 2 (or 3 or 4) and use setpoint
LoadRes strt2
(or 3 or 4) to switch to another
load reserve setting. E.g. high load reserve during system start to be able to switch-on big devices, then
during normal operation lower reserve to save engines (and fuel).