Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Pwr management of splitted group
Important setpoints:
Control group, GroupLinkLeft, GroupLinkRight
When a Bus-tie disconnects the gen-set group the Power management can operate separately on each of
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Load shedding
All LOAD SHED outputs are activated (closed) to trip the unessential load when gen-set goes to island:
a) When GCB is closed after mains fail and gen-set starts in SEM / AUT mode.
b) When MCB opens from parallel to mains operation in SEM / AUT mode.
c) Before MCB is opened in MAN mode by button.
The load shedding function is active in all controller modes except OFF
Load shedding has three steps and each step is linked with its own Load shed x binary output. There is only
one load shed level and delay for all three steps as well as recon level and delay. Load shed can only move
from one step to the next, e.g. No LoadShed to LdShed S1 to LdShed S2 to LdShed S3 and vice versa.