Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Syst res 1 OK
Syst res 2 OK
Syst res 3 OK
Syst res 4 OK
The corresponding output X is closed when
Pwr management:
LoadResStrt X
#%LdResStrt X
relative mode) is achieved, independent to which #
LoadResStrt X
#%LdResStrt X
) reserve is selected.
Analog inputs
Analog input for Power derating function, channel 1.
Analog input for Power derating function, channel 2.
Power derating activation/deactivation is not written into the history log.
Warming temp
Input to measure engine temperature during warm-up procedure. See setpoints
Engine params: Warming
load, Warming temp, Max warm time
External requested System Baseload power value (Multi Load Control)
Configure MLC:AnExSysBld to selected analog input
Configure Analog input range
External requested System Power factor value (Multi Load Control)
Configure MPF:AnExSysBPF to selected analog input
Configure Analog input range
ProcessControl: SysBasePFMode
Fuel level
Input that has to be used when Fuel Theft function is used. It indicates fuel level state in the fuel tank.
T Cyl 1 - 32
32 inputs to measure Cylinder Temperatures. Configured cylinder temperatures are displayed on controller
measurement screens as well as average cylinder temperature. Cylinder temperature protection is based on
the difference against average temperature.
RPM pick-up
Logical Analog input for RPM receiving from various types of Engine Control Units (and optionally via I-CB).
Oil press
Logical input for Oil pressure protection.
Oil pressure is calculated into “running engine” condition when configured. Engine start is blocked if Oil
pressure is higher than
Engine params:
Starting POil
setpoint setting.