Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Transition opening -> closing (closing command is issued during opening pulse)
MCB opens on = GENRUN:
BO: CB OFF coil
BI: CB fdb neg
BI: CB fdb
BO: CB close/open
BO: CB UV coil
BO: CB status
BO: CB ON coil
OFF a UV pulse is always activated for
the full time. manual control (= CB
button) is deactivated during opening
Here starts the standard closing
sequence – see CB close command.
In this moment, the reason for closing the
CB is activated again (e.g. Remote
Start/Stop is activated)
BO: MCB UV coil
FwRet break
RPM / fg / Ug
EmergStart del
BO: MCB OFF coil
BI: MCB fdb neg
BI: MCB fdb
BO: Mains OK
BO: MCB status
BO: Fuel solenoid
FwRet break dealy is between MCB
status deactivation and command for
GCB closing.
BO: MCB close/open
Generator voltage is within limits
BO: GCB close/open
BO: GCB ON coil
If mains returns in this moment,
starting sequence is interrupted
and MCB stays closed. It is valid
until the moment when generator
voltage is within limits.