Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Indication of cranking procedure.
The output closes together with Prestart output and opens with transition from Idle to Running state or with
Start fail output activation. During crank pauses, the output stays closed.
Idle run
The output closes if “engine started” condition is detected after start and opens with Starting to Running
The Idle run is deactivated when stop command is activated or 2nd level protection gets active.
The output closes with transition from Starting to Running state. It opens with transition to Cooling state or if
any 2
level protection gets active. It stays closed if the engine is loaded.
The output is closed during forward synchronizing and opens when GCB status gets active (= GCB was
closed). The output can be used for external synchronizing module control.
The output is closed during warming procedure – the gen-set power is kept at
Warming load
level in this
Soft load
The output is closed during gen-set soft loading state – the gen-set power is ramping up, i.e. since GCB was
closed until the end of the ramp.
The output is closed when gen-set is loaded – GCB is closed and no load ramp is active.
Soft unload
The output is closed during gen-set soft unloading state – gen-set power is ramping down.
The output closes during engine Cooling state, i.e. from GCB opening to stop command.
The output closes after the command to stop has been issued. It opens if “still engine” conditions are fulfilled.
The output also closes if the engine begins to rotate spontaneously. It stays closed until “still engine”
condition is achieved.
Stop command is activated after cooling time elapsed.
Off mode
The output is closed, if OFF mode is selected.
Man mode
The output is closed, if MAN mode is selected.
Sem mode
The output is closed, if SEM mode is selected.