Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
All common protection outputs, outputs represent voltage and frequency evaluation (Mains params Ok, Gen
params OK) and controller mode are not opened (deenergized) in Emerg. Manual state.
RunIndication 2
RunIndication 3
Any of three binary inputs can be used for engine running indication e.g. via Oil pressure contact. Active
Running indication blocks engine start (to avoid starter damage).
AccessLock int
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted from the controller front panel.
For IS-NT and IG-NT, this input is controlling the display #1, which is supposed to be attached to or close to
the main module.
As the controller mode (OFF-MAN-AUT-TEST) is one of the setpoints, not even that can be changed.
The START, STOP, FAULT RESET and other control buttons are disabled as well.
For remote displays 2 and 3 use AccessLock D#2 or AccessLock D#3.
AccessLock D#2
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted and no commands can be issued from IG/IS-Display #2.
It is not possible to start and stop the gen-set, change controller mode or control breaker.
AccessLock D#3
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted and no commands can be issued from IS-Display #3.
It is not possible to start and stop the gen-set, change controller mode or control breaker.
AccessLock ext
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted and no commands can be issued from any external
terminal = via direct/modem/internet connection to the controller.
Use these inputs to lock out the selected terminals for setpoint changes and commands (statistic, password
and access code change). Such a terminal can only be used for monitoring.
Remote OFF
Active binary input forces the controller mode to OFF. When opened the controller is switched to previous
If the engine is running, the active input has no effect. The controller switches to OFF mode only after the
engine has been stopped.
Use this input to block the engine start during service.
The control unit recovers to the previous mode if BI Remote OFF opened.
Remote MAN
Active binary input forces the controller mode to MAN.
The control unit recovers to the previous mode if BI Remote MAN opened.
Remote AUT
Active binary input forces the controller mode to AUT.
Use this input to switch the controller to automatic operation, e.g. using the external key switch.
The control unit recovers to the previous mode if BI Remote AUT opened.