Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Pickup fail
Pickup fail indication. Pickup fail: lost of RPM signal in running state (“engine running” condition is active).
Output closes if the controllers real time clock battery drops under the reliable level. RTC battery is controlled
once in 24h period.
Sd ExtBattFlat
Output closes if the controller “wakes up” after a start attempt which caused the battery voltage to drop down
and consequently the controller switch-off.
Stp GCB fail
Output closes when GCB fail is detected and discordancy between feedback and command is detected for
BOC NCB fail
Output closes when NCB (Neutral circuit breaker) fail is detected.
Stp Sync fail
The output is closed when the alarm Sync timeout is active. This behaviour occure when synchronization
failed because of unfulfilled conditions.
Output indicates the controller Speed governor output is on limit.
When Speed governor output stays near to the limit value (
+0,2 V or
V) for more than 2 sec, the “Wrn SpdRegLim” message is displayed in the Alarm list and recorded to History
Wrn FuelTheft
Outputs is activated If measured drop is higher then
Fuel theft
Output indicates the controller AVRi output is on limit.
When AVRi output stays on <2% or >98% for more than 2 sec, the “Wrn VoltRegLim” is displayed in the
Alarm list and recorded to History.
UnivState 1 … Univ state 15
Universal state 1 to Universal state 15 activity indication. Universal state can be used for additional
protection configured to any internal value.
Indication of RPM state.
These binary outputs are internally used and they are unsuitable for any physical or logical outputs and
should not be configured.
Sd Oil press B
Engine Shut-down is activated by Binary input “Oil press”.
ECU PwrRelay
The output closes at the beginning of prestart and opens if the engine shall be stopped.
This output can be used to indicate when the ECU should be powered up i.e. only while the engine is