Inteli NT MINT, SW Version 2.6, ©ComAp – November 2011
IGS-NT-MINT-2.6-Reference Guide.PDF
Multi language support
NT Family controllers support up to five Languages that is possible to switch during controller duty. Every
terminal (i.e. Remote display or PC-InteliMonitor) can be switched to different language. Use PC-GenConfig
- Translator tool to translate texts to another language.
Default application archives contain all texts in English only.
ECU interface customizing
The list of available ECU interfaces can be found in GenConfig / Modules / ECU list.
Binary selector
This function enables to change the following CAN values transmitted to ECU via J1939 or binary output
only. The change can be provided by setpoint or via Binary input. There are four Bin selector channels
J1939 value
ECU command
Governor mode
Isochronous - Droop
Idle Speed select
Idle – Nominal
Frequency select
1500 – 1800
Preheat request
Yes – No
Protection override
Yes – No