S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
OL-18089-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Chapter 22 Show Commands
show zone analysis
Table 22-12
describes the fields displayed in the output of a
show zone analysis
command for the active
zoning database.
Table 22-12
show zone analysis Field Descriptions for the Active Zoning Database
Active zoneset
Displays the active zone set name. If a zone set has changed in the
full zoning database, an asterisk (*) appears after the zone set name.
If the active zone set is not present in the full zoning database, a
minus sign (-) appears after the zone set name.
Activated at
Displays the time the zone set was activated.
Activated from
Displays the agent that most recently modified the active zoning
database. The agent can be one of the following three types:
Local: indicates that the active database was last modified
locally through a configuration change from one of the
following applications:
CLI: The active zoning database was modified by the user
from the Command Line Interface.
SNMP: The active zoning database was modified by the
user through the Simple Network Management Protocol
GS: The active zoning database was modified from the
Generic Services (GS) client.
CIM: The active zoning database was modified by the
applications using the Common Information Model (CIM).
INTERNAL: The active zoning database was modified as a
result of an internal activation either from Inter-VSAN
Routing (IVR) or from the IP Storage services manager.
Merge: indicates that the active database was last modified by
the Merge protocol. The interface on which the merge occurred
is also displayed.
Remote: indicates that the active database was last modified by
the Change protocol, initiated by a remote switch. The domain,
IP address, and switch name of the switch initiating the change
are also displayed.
The switch name is displayed on the next line, aligned with
the domain, only if the switch name is set. The default
switch name
and the
are not displayed.
Default zoning policy:
Displays the status of the default zoning policy for this VSAN.