The system is in STAY mode and a zone intruder alarm (intruder alarm = instant / interior
instant / delay / interior delay / delay exit / interior delay exit / follower / interior
follower / 24h (can be silenced) / fire (can be silenced) / technical alarm (can be
silenced)) occurs.
The system is in AWAY mode and a tamper alarm occurs.
The system is disarmed and a zone tamper alarm occurs.
When the system is armed the output mode is a one pulse activation (1sec) (enabled / disable
option can be combined with disarm).
When the system is disarmed the output mode is a two pulse activation (1sec) (enabled /
disable option can be combined with arm).
When programming mode is entered the output mode is a one pulse activation (1sec)
(enabled / disable option).
08 - Internal Siren with Tamper
The output is operated when an internal siren with tamper occurs.
09 - Entry/Exit Delay Warning
Entry Delay Warning
This output is operated during the entry time.
The output is reset in the following cases:
The system is disarmed.
The entry time expires.
The programmed output time ends.
Exit Delay Warning
This output is operated during the exit time when the system is armed.
The output is reset in the following cases:
The system is disarmed.
The exit time expires.
The programmed output time ends.
If the output time is set to 000, the output will continue until the delay warning time ends.
10 - Telephone Line Fault
This output is operated when a telephone line fault occurs.
The output is reset in the following cases:
The telephone line is restored and the fault is reset.
The programmed output time ends.
If the output time is set to 000, the output will continue until the telephone line is restored
and the fault is reset.
11 - AC Power Supply Fault
This output is operated when an AC power fault occurs.
The output is reset in the following cases:
The AC power supply is restored and the fault is reset.
The programmed output time ends.
If the output time is set to 000, the output will continue until the AC power supply is restored
and the fault is reset.
12 – Battery fault
This output is operated when a low battery fault occurs.
AMAX panel
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Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Installation Manual
2015.05 | 06 | F.01U.309.277