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Chapter 5: Navigate the Web Configurator
Radio: Allows you to configure the channel bandwidth, operating channel, antenna, and output power for the selected VAC-
managed Access Point.
Figure 5-23. Radio channel screen.
From the AP Management list, move the mouse cursor to the MAC address of the selected VAC-managed AP the screen will pop
up radio configuration information.
AP Management
Figure 5-24. AP Management screen.
Upgrade Selected: Upgrade firmware for the selected Wireless Ethernet Extender.
NOTE: You need to upload the firmware file into the Wireless Ethernet Extender mode before upgrading firmware;
otherwise, a window will pop up saying TAP firmware hasn’t been uploaded.
Figure 5-25. TAP Firmware prompt.
Upgrade All: Click to upgrade all the VAC-managed APs simultaneously.
Refresh: Refresh the AP management list manually.